Personality Pages

Personalities from the 78rpm era

this page first published by John Wright, 1 Oct 2000
last update 5 May

Since developing this website in 1997 there has been demand for Personality Pages, and some of these requests have come from families of the dance band stars! Please contact me if you would like a webpage for an old-time musician in YOUR family. Maybe you had contact with a musical family? I have listed some names that we'd like to know more about at Musicians Research. Also, to satisfy enquiries on births and deaths I have prepared the British Remembrance Book, a calendar of births and deaths in the British Dance band scene 1880-2017. And a Gallery of Photos of British dance bands and musicians is being assembled.

But THIS PAGE lists the old-time music personalities that we HAVE dealt with and prepared Tribute Webpages.

Click the images below:

the Charles Shadwell page
the Jack Wilsonpage

the The Rhythm Brothers page

the Pat O'Malley page

the Percival Mackeypages
the Ronnie Genarder pagethe Annette Keith page

the Doreen Henry page
the Harry Ball page
the 'Tiny' Stock pagethe Jules Ruben page
the Jay Whidden pagethe Stanley Jones page
the Douglas Brownsmith pagethe Phil Silverstone page
the Eddie Collis pagesthe Starita brothers pages
the Fred Elizalde pagesthe Al Bowlly pages
the Harold Lyons pagesthe Harry Shalson pages
the Benny Loban pagethe Spike Hughes page
the Henry Hall pagethe Laurie and Norman Payne page

the Billy Thorburn page
the Jose Norman page
the Art Christmas page
the Lew Davis page
the Dan Donovan pages the Danny Polo page
the Teddy Brown pages the Ben Oakley page
the Dick Ball pagesthe Bert Hargest page
the Sam Browne pages the Chick Henderson pages
the Bert Ambrose pagethe Lew Stone pages
the Jack Jackson pagethe Jack Hylton pages
the Bert Firman pagesthe Nat Star page
the Robert Carr pagethe Len Fillis discography
the Cavan O'Connor pagethe Jim Bellamy page
the Geraldine Farrar page
(dance band vocalist)
the Louis Levy page
the Bob Middemiss pagethe Andy McDevitt page

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