photographs of Chick Henderson kindly submitted by visitors to this website:
Thanks to Bob Middlemiss for the photo that belonged to his father, thanks to Beryl Furey-King, Bill Fryer and members of the British Dance Bands discussion group Peter Doyle, Barry & Iris McCanna
this page first published by John Wright, 24 Jan 2000
last update 17 November
from Bob Middlemiss | ||
wedding bells for Chick and left to right: Joe Loss, Chick, Monte Rey, Anne Lenner | ||
I have exchanged messages with a Mrs Beryl Furey-King who recently discovered that her father did his Royal Navy basic training with Chick Henderson during WWII. Beryl sent me a group photo, which was taken in 1940 at Fort Borstal. The building is a Y shape and two of the wings were
full of boys who were on remand. The third wing was used by the Royal
Navy who did not have enough training accommodation at Chatham Docks.
Beryl's father's name is William (Bill) Fryer and he was 22 years old at the time.
Bill remembers that Chick was a famous singer and that he was killed in an air raid while on leave.
Beryl only found out about this recently, when her father found a photo in
one of his cupboards. She immediately looked Chick Henderson up on the
Internet and found the webpage that Doug Hamilton had written up for my
In the group photo Beryl's father Bill Fryer is second row, third from the right. Chick Henderson is standing immediately behind him (back row second from right). Below also is a detail showing Chick standing behind Bill Fryer
Beryl also found a CD of Chick's, and bought it for her father's 86th birthday - he was a bit stunned when she gave it to him! I'd like to mention also that Beryl is interested in the history of the A.T.S. and has a website at, where you will see Beryl's mum!
Please e-mail John Wright if you have any further scans of Chick Henderson for the gallery.
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